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API Pricing

Free Tier

  • Free: for first $5 per account

Cost above free

We do usage based pricing for 3 metrics:

  1. Number of pages processed (i.e. when a file is uploaded)
  2. Number of pages stored (Billed to the second)
  3. Cost per query
Num Pages Processed$0.0025 / Page ($1.00 for 400 pages)
Num Pages Stored$0.000000025 / page / second (about $1.06 / month for 1000 pages)
Num Queries$0.0025 / query ($1.00 for 400 queries)


Lets say Alice uploads 10 documents, each with 100 pages. She runs 800 queries over 30 days, then deletes them. That would cost:

0.0025 * 10 * 100 + // 1000 pages processed
0.000000025 * 60 * 60 * 24 * (10 * 100) + // 1000 pages stored for 30 days
0.0025 * 800 // Number of queries ran
= 2.5 + 2.16 + 2
= $6.66 // What it's like processing PDFs without us ;)