Enterprise AI
Search Tada

Stop Searching 5+ locations for documents, search one system and be done.
Receive the right documents, when you need them. Powered by AI.

Secure | Safe | Accurate | AI
🪄 Tada


Security matters A LOT. Controlled user access. Encryption for data in-transit and at-rest. Multi-factor auth & more.

Integrate with your systems

Integrate with all your most important systems. CRM, email, document storage, and more. All searchable in a single platform.

Accurate AI answer

Minimize inaccurate AI answers with powerful hallucination dectection and itterative feedback loops.

working woman
AI Powered

Search Instantly across all your data

you shouldn't be spending 10 minutes looking for an answer, and with Tada you don't have to. Let us search and read your documents, then provide an AI response.

Secure | Safe | Accurate | AI
🪄 Tada

The AI brain to run your company

Imagine having an expert that everything about your company, and could answer your questions real time. Well, that expert isn't human, it's us. But boy oh boy is it as good as it sounds.

Automate your workflow

Your day shouldn't be filled with searching for countless documents. Find your information fast, with AI, and focus on what actually matters.

Get started